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Personal Support and Hypnotherapy

Integral Relationship

Welcome life travelers.

Home: Welcome

Yes, we are all temporary travelers on this Earth ship, aren't we?

While on this trip, we often must weave our way through tough times.

Our heart pulls us one way.  Our brain in another.

I invite you to a reading which provides a new perspective - a new set of eyes.

Through my intuitive abilities I'm able to pick up on energy and bring in specific information to give you clarity and direction regarding


Life's work



Your heart connection

A reading provides information to help you navigate through your concerns.

However, if you're doing well, it can be a check-in to validate you're on the right track.

It's easier to grow with confirmation and options.

And you will come away knowing you are supported.

More information about a reading is on the Sessions page.

Home: About Me


Personal Support

We all have issues that confront us in our lives.  If you're ready to face those issues so that you will come out on the other side with more knowledge and more awareness,

then kudos to you!

As you gain new insights into situations, your advancement will serve you with people,

with relationships, and with life in general.

It's as if once you make the "switch," you will not want to go back to the way things were.

There certainly is a shift happening on the planet.

People are not willing to settle for the "same" anymore.

If you're reading this, you are most likely one of those who is not willing to settle.

If you need someone to listen, help make sense of it all, and uncover options and a path forward, my Personal Support sessions provide just that.

I get you going on your growth and awareness while using various tools

and my intuitive abilities along the way.

If you are ready to make this leap for yourself, allow me to assist you in your quest.


One of the tools for self-discovery and support is hypnotherapy.

It allows a person to go inside to find their own answers.

It is a beautiful way to help eliminate the outside chatter and the "voices in our head"

to find and connect with what's deep inside of ourselves.

The process can be experienced without a person having to lay on a table, or recline in a sleeping position, which are traditional methods.

Integral Relationship

I am passionate about spreading the message and tools of Integral Relationship.

A large number of people come for a reading or help in general

because they are having relationship difficulties.

These relationships are often with lovers, yet they also may be with friends and family.

As an Integral Relationship facilitator, I am able to help explain what is happening,

or has happened in the past, and to provide tools for growing -- or finding --

the kind of relationships for which your soul longs.

Scroll further for links with more information.

Home: About Me
Home: Services
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